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AVC1753 Ai & Autonomy Solution

…Its modular chassis accommodates multiple micro-ATX motherboard/processor configurations and is GPU ready—supporting full-height, full-length cards. This autonomous system has multiple AC and DC power input options, high-capacity DDR4 memory, and…

AVC1322 Ai & Autonomy Solution

…chassis. This autonomous solution runs off vehicle power, without an AC power inverter. Designed to handle small to mid-range workloads, the AVC1322 is NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin ready. Its compact…

RE1312 Rugged Embedded Computer by Crystal Group - Front View
AVC0282 AI & Autonomy Solution

Super server for AI, automation, and autonomous projects The AVC0282 combines unprecedented compute power, data-handling capabilities and storage capacity in a rugged, mobile solution. Designed for continuous, daily use under…

Your Trusted Partner

…PDF Download Capabilities PDF × Markets served Aerospace & Defense Autonomous vehicles and systems Commercial aviation Energy Environmental Military Oil & Gas Railway transit Transportation Awards & Recognition Automotive industry…

Your Trusted Partner
RS232S13 Rugged 2U Server

…servers provide high-performance computing, data storage, and cyber protections across critical military and industrial applications, including real-time communications and networking, weapons control, situational awareness, surveillance, unmanned aircraft, and autonomous operations….

RS232S13 rugged 2u server
RS232S17 Rugged 2U Server

…servers provide high-performance computing, data storage, and cyber protections across critical military and industrial applications, including real-time communications and networking, weapons control, situational awareness, surveillance, unmanned aircraft, and autonomous operations….

RS232S17 rugged server, front-left
AVC0161 AI & Autonomy Solution

Accelerate artificial intelligence, automation and autonomous projects. AVC0161 combines unprecedented compute power, data-handling capabilities and storage capacity in a rugged, mobile solution. This server can withstand harsh conditions and demanding…

rugged computer for autonomous vehicles
Crystal Group Announces Next Generation Rugged Rackmount Computer Line-Up with New Intel® Xeon® Processor Family (Skylake) Architecture

…applications requiring high compute capability, reliability and performance in harsh environments including: Artificial intelligence (AI) Autonomous vehicles Communications Monitoring & surveillance Sensor fusion Signal awareness Situation analysis Spectrum analysis Video…

RS112S17 Rugged 1U Server

…all-aluminum package able to withstand the roughest terrains and toughest applications. Crystal Group’s highly customizable Rugged Servers are used by the U.S. Armed Forces, Foreign Military, Power Distribution, Autonomous Vehicles,…

RS112S17 Rugged 1U Server

Improve performance, safety, and security at the edge with data center accuracy Companies are increasingly investing in artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous operations, and hyper-converged infrastructure to elevate performance, improve safety,…
